Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thoughts of him.. again.

Mother says she does not want the see Mr. Bingley ever again. Is it terrible that I do not wish the same? That even though I am heart broken and distraught, that I would give anything for him to be at Netherfeild again? I just wish I knew what I did wrong. I regret not going to see him while I had the chance. But that also might have made things worse. Oh, what am I to do?


  1. Dear sister, do not fret over this. I can assure you that it is normal for you to feel this way, for if you had not, you would have no heart, and you Jane, have a large heart. Also, my dear Jane, you did nothing wrong because you have always been in the right. Some people, such as Mr. Bingley, make silly mistakes or listen to others when they should not. Simply talk to me Jane and everything will ameliorate.

  2. Jane, I hope you do not feel that it was you that broke Bingley apart from you. It had actually been me that broke you guys apart. I cannot say that I am sorry for my actions because I had a reason for my actions. Just keep your mind off of him. There are many other men out there.

  3. Dearest Jane, I only do this out of consideration for your feelings! If seeing him will bring you into poor spirits again, it will not do! I understand that he is-and was- an important person to you, but you must move on, see the light. He will not come back. As Mr. Darcy said, there are many more eligible men wanting your hand. A beauty like yourself has many suitors. Your time for marriage will come, dear. I promise.
