Sunday, March 11, 2012

What a surprise...

News has just come to me that Mr. Darcy fancies my dear, beloved sister, Elizabeth. I do not blame him for his liking of my sister. She is very charming and had many redeeming qualities. I know he thinks that she is very opinionated but I do hope he looks past that and makes some sort of step with Elizabeth. If he sees her the way that I see her he indeed will marry the sweet, loving girl I know to be my sister.

1 comment:

  1. My dear sister, thank you for thinking so highly of me. I wanted to talk to you about this surprising news. Although Darcy fancies me, I cannot return the feelings. He is much more opinionated than I could ever be! How could I take such a personal step and marry a man like that? I do believe that I deserve better.
