Sunday, April 8, 2012

Elizabeth and Darcy!?

It seems not that not only one Bennet sister is to be married, but two! Elizabeth has just told me of Darcy's proposal and most surprisingly, her acceptance! I was worried at first that she was not marrying for love but simply for money, class, and the chance of not remaining alone. But she has told me other wise! Elizabeth said that she has experienced Darcy's change of heat first hand at her visit to Pemberly. She saw his kindness towards his sister and housemaids. She says she is in love with Mr. Darcy and would love nothing more than to marry him! Now the both of us shall be the happiest young ladies in the world!


  1. I knew you would be surprised my dear. Please forgive me Jane, but I have known of my good friend's amorous feelings for your sister for quite a long time, I should have told you more. Regardless, it is truly wonderful, is it not, that Elizabeth too has found her true love, just as I have found you. The grandeur of these times are indescribable my dear Jane, I am the happiest now than I have been in my entire life.

  2. Nay, my dear sister. I believe that I am much happier than you are, as I have more passion for Darcy than you do for Bingley. And yes, I did fall in love with him after he changed. He is a true gentleman after all. I am glad that he changed for me.
