Sunday, April 8, 2012

The proposal.

Mother's schemes have actually worked! After leaving Bingley and I alone again, he proposed to me! Naturally, I accepted, it being the sole thing I have wanted since his arrival at Netherfeild. I shall be eternally happy! Also, after this has happen and the wedding has taken place, I do believe that Lydia and Wickam's elopement will be quickly forgotten. Oh, I am just so happy! I knew good things would come of his returning to Netherfield!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my dear Jane, I cannot think of a time when it was not my heart's desire to spend my life with you. I have wanted what we now have for so, so long! Our indescribable feelings of joy are mutual, and I regret every second we are apart. On that note, I would like to thank your sweet mother for assisting me in my proposal, I don't know if I would have had the courage to make my proposal had she not emptied the drawing room that glorious night.
